Collection: About us

The idea of The Hoard started on a cold winter night, in January of 2023, in the mind of its two co-founders, Alexis and Martin.

Having both very different background, but a lifelong friendship and passion for tabletop role-playing games, they were at this moment both at inflection points of their lives, thinking hard about their past and what they wanted their respective futures to look like.

It's in this context that emerged the idea of The Hoard: a platform where one could find all the accessories they need to improve their TTRPG session. A platform which would focus not on selling a maximum of D&D-themed products, but on selling only high-quality products dedicated solely to improving the gaming experience of everyone. A platform which mission would be to spread tabletop role-playing games further and wider, bringing its social benefits (that we benefited a lot from) to everyone, helping people create stronger bonds with each other through gaming. A platform which would achieve its goals while still maintaining high standards of ecological and social responsibilities (read more about that here).

After a few months of thinking and planning, in June 2023, The Hoard was officially launched with a first set of products. This is where our story begins...